Railway4mo ago

Railway False Ban! Urgent Assistance Required

My railway account has been termed for "userbots" but I never deployed anything as such? Can someone look into it and provide urgent assistance as I really need to deploy my project now. This just randomly popped up when I tried to log in today. One reason I can think of it might be because of how often I tried to log in and out of the account yesterday as I was having trouble with connecting my git hub and had to make a brand new git hub account/use it as my old account was getting connected to a different email? But I haven't deployed anything suspicious or against the terms of the website, just discord bots. I even paid for the hobby plan just yesterday. Can someone kindly resolve the issue asap? https://prnt.sc/D47mn6chGBMU
Captured with Lightshot
32 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Sting4mo ago
n/a @Brody @Fragly Not to look impatient but I've a busy day onwards so I'll probably not be on discord later. Kindly assist me if possible 🙏
Fragly4mo ago
I'm sorry but we don't discuss ban appeals in this server ( #🛂|readme #6 ) You should've been given a ban appeal form, you need to fill that out
Sting4mo ago
Alright, thanks a lot Where can I find the appeal form? I couldn't even access the server on my primary discord account as it asks me to connect it to my railway account and as its banned, I had to use an alternative I checked my email, there's one telling me that I've been termed for userbots. But there's no appeal form.
Fragly4mo ago
I'll go ask
Sting4mo ago
Thanks I'm still waiting, will probably just buy hosting again now a new account as keeping the project online is important to me. However I wish there were better support
Fragly4mo ago
Please don't open a new account, that is ban evasion which is also against ToS Mind going into deeper detail about what you were hosting specifically and if you've been hosting anything other than discord bots?
Brody4mo ago
I would also like to direct you to #🛂|readme #5. you pinged me at 4:40am
Sting4mo ago
Nothing other than a discord bot. My bad I didn't see it
Fragly4mo ago
Did your discord bot go through the official discord API?
Sting4mo ago
it's written in discord.py so I believe so, it's a verified bot The only reason I can possibly think of is due to me logging in and out of the railway account over and over again as it was not allowing me to connect my github account. My github account is on a different email than discord account, whenever I tried connecting it, it made me a new railway account everytime on the email that doesn't have hobby plan. I'd delete the account getting created on my github email and try to connect my github again to the email which has hobby plan but it did not work. So at the end after like 5-6 attempts, I had to create a new github account with my railway email, make a repo there and deploy from it. Maybe that triggered the ban? Or it could be because the github account I created to my railway was brand new. Whichever the case it is, it's pretty odd as the ban says "hosting userbots". Can't a team member just check and tell me why was the ban delivered? If needed I can showcase the bot that was getting hosted, it's a public game bot
Brody4mo ago
we will ask on Monday as this does seem like a mistake
Sting4mo ago
Much appreciated Please update me on whatever the outcome might be, I'd have to keep the bot online because it's userbase is quite huge now. I'd have gotten another subscription but as stated it's better if I don't do it
Fragly4mo ago
Will do, sorry for the trouble
Brody4mo ago
you will likely be unbanned, so after that please upgrade to pro as this does not seem like a hobby workload, and pro users are not banned so easily
Sting4mo ago
Alright I'll upgrade the plan then Thanks for assistance, means a ton As said this isn't my main discord account as I couldn't pass the #✅|verify with my main because the railway it's linked to got banned. I'll check in this account once daily if there's any news
Brody4mo ago
so I'm assuming you already do have another railway account already right?
Sting4mo ago
I believe so, the one that got autocreated from my main github But it doesn't have any plan purchased on it Also whenever either of you drop any messages here, feel free to reply with mentions enabled I do not mind pings. I'd be able to catchup much faster this way than just randomly checking the channel once in a while
Brody4mo ago
your github account would need to have the same email as your railway account as we have pointed out, we generally don't do pings here, so please keep your notifications on
Sting4mo ago
This wasn't the case last month, in fact I always had a different git hub account paired with my railway email. Both my railway email and github email were different. Yesterday when I bought the plan again and tried connecting my github account back to railway, it kept creating a new account on the different email. It was almost like I can no longer use a different email for both. So after a few attempts I made a github account on my railway email
Brody4mo ago
yep just telling you what the current circumstances are
Sting4mo ago
Was this change made recently?
Brody4mo ago
I honestly have no clue, I've only ever used the same email for my various accounts because multiple emails just doesn't seem practical
Sting4mo ago
did you guys find a solution
Brody4mo ago
it's still Sunday night for a lot of the team
Sting4mo ago
fair enough
Faraz4mo ago
It looks like you've created another account since? Wanna dm me the email ID of the account that was banned?
Brody4mo ago
from the sounds of it, it was accidental because their email with github was different from the email with railway so upon linking their github it automatically created a new railway account with their github email @Sting ^
Faraz4mo ago
Brody, feel free to tag me if they show up.
Brody4mo ago
very possible I will be sleeping, so fragly please step in for me
Sting4mo ago
yep, that's about it Sure I'll do it now! Well seems like I can't unless you add me first
Faraz4mo ago
Oops, added. Unbanned + resolved. 👍