Interface Language

Am i tripping or what? but it seems like I've changed the interface language to Japanese before, but after that I changed it again to English, then now I'm looking for the Japanese interface language but can't find it, is it really doesn't exist? 😵‍💫 😵‍💫
6 Replies
Mark3mo ago
Can you provide a screen recording of the issue you're facing? @¬RAZE
¬RAZE3mo ago
sure, give me a minute
¬RAZE3mo ago
Mark3mo ago
The Korean and Japanese languages are currently unavailable in the game. To change your interface language to Japanese, you have to download their specific version of the game (KRJP). However, you can change only your in-game chat language to Japanese in the Global version.
¬RAZE3mo ago
oh i see, thanks man means i am tripping
Mark3mo ago
No worries and you're welcome.:Heart_White_AE: