Black box in the middle of my screen ?

This happened after deleting the DH config file & C2ME config file. (could be unrelated but timewise that's when it happened)
No description
14 Replies
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Disable shaders and see if it goes away
MrChapo3mo ago
it does go away but when putting them back on it reappears
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
I havent seen anything like this before, does it happen with just Iris and Sodium installed It could be a dying GPU but I don't wanna instantly assume that's it
MrChapo3mo ago
I have about 90 mods but that's the first time it happens to me will 3d mark tell me if my gpu is dying ?
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Nope I dont think thats actually it tho Just try this
MrChapo3mo ago
yea I said it did go away
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Didnt see that sorry
MrChapo3mo ago
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Then its probs just a mod compact issue /binary
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it. So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Try that
MrChapo3mo ago
ok Caused by iris flywheel compat but man I need this mod so bad even though its bugged. Create performs very poorly with shaders. Do you know any mod that can replace it that improves create + shaders performance ?
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Optifine or Iris are the only two options for shaders And Im not sure if optifine works with create You just have to make a bug report to the iris flywheel compat mod and wait til they fix it Or different shaders may fix it
MrChapo3mo ago
yea well the owner of that mod is well aware of the bugs and he updates once every few months, oh well thanks for the help anyway