Health Check 404

Hi, I am unable to enable healthchecks for a couple of my services. It says there is a 404 error. However, I know for a fact the route works because I deployed the service with healthchecks disabled, visited the endpoint and get the correct response. If I redeploy with healthchecks, it fails with a 404. Project: 4c3b4b0e-006a-407e-90c7-9c3031cd622f Service: f6915c98-d684-42e5-b29b-af4858fb7553
if you are entering full URLs into the health check field then that's not quite how it works, the health check field only accepts paths aka /health
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5 Replies
Percy3mo ago
Project ID: 4c3b4b0e-006a-407e-90c7-9c3031cd622f,f6915c98-d684-42e5-b29b-af4858fb7553
Prodigga3mo ago
healthcheck path http://game-server-dev.railway.internal/health-check I have another service that has this same setup and it works fine for it same project service id: 3545427b-d98c-42ec-b5ac-f9cc4326e3c4 healthcheck path: http://api-gateway.railway.internal/health-check
Brody3mo ago
if you are entering full URLs into the health check field then that's not quite how it works, the health check field only accepts paths aka /health
Prodigga3mo ago
oh, i'll try that. strange. it works with my api-gateway ok, that worked. thanks. I dont think thats documented anywhere. maybe an example on the docs or near the health check endpoint box?
Brody3mo ago
there is a hyperlink above the healthcheck field that links to the healthcheck reference page, and from there there a link to the guide page that shows an example