Delta Fan not turning off at 0%.

I have installed a delta fan today, and the fan will not shut off when its indicating 0% in the dashboard. I have everything connected to the octopus 1.1 pro board like in the screenshot attached. I also included the following to printer.cfg: [fan] pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin cycle_time: 0.01 enable_pin: PA3 #I checked the pin diagram for the heater controller pin HE1 Would anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
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10 Replies
craftycooky•3mo ago
Now I've tried wired as in the attached screenshot, and replaced the fan override in printer.cfg with the following: [fan] pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin
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craftycooky•3mo ago
Same result but the fan is at a higher RPM whilst stating that it's at 0 procent in the dashboard. I'm a little bit lost thb
TheTik•3mo ago
If you move the slider to 100% does it speed up?
craftycooky•3mo ago
I can't move it to the right. It's the part cooling fan of which I don't have a tacho installed.
TheTik•3mo ago
don't need a tach pin to control speed, you control it via pwm pin. Like in your drawing
craftycooky•3mo ago
I'm going to recrimp the pmd wire. It behaves the exact same while it's pluggin in or out Alright.. After recrimping the pwd wire I accidentally connected it to the 12v pin of the board so I think I fried the fan
TheTik•3mo ago
craftycooky•3mo ago
Board can't be fried by that can it? Everything is working on the board just not the fan
TheTik•3mo ago
If the board is working, then the board is working 😄
craftycooky•3mo ago
I'm closing this thread until I get a new 4028 unless anybody has an idea what my original mistake was.