Universal Blue•3mo ago

GPU clock stuck at idle with abnormal power draw.

Good evening. Love the OS however have this issue on multiple AMD GPUs. RX570: Stuck at 300mhz on the core with a constant 45w power draw RX6600: Stuck at a core clock < 100mhz with a ~4w power draw Was wondering what I could try to fix this. This does not happen with ChimeraOS however i absolutely hate GNOME and much prefer KDE. This is with the bazzite-deck-stable ISO generated for HTPCs
10 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•3mo ago
We had a brief issue with AMD pstate for one kernel release, shouldn't affect GPUs but would cause terrible performance can you rpm-ostree update and report back if this is still happening?
Arnie•3mo ago
done and no, no change
Arnie•3mo ago
No description
Arnie•3mo ago
this is on RDR2 on the RX6600 for example
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•3mo ago
That's very, very weird
Arnie•3mo ago
it works as it should in ChimeraOS but the general user experience is far worse (no KDE, no mouse support in game scope)
nyannoying•3mo ago
I too have this issue
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•3mo ago
Should be fixed next build, I'll ping when we have a release ready
nyannoying•3mo ago
Aight Is there a work around for now?
McSpicy•3mo ago
This has also happened on my egpu setup (oculink setup to 6600xt). On ChimeraOS it works though.I'm excited for the upcoming fix🤞!