Need some hosting advice

I'm working on a project which has it's front-end and backend hosted on CF Pages / Workers, and I also use the CF KV out of convenience. Sadly I can't use D1 for my project, so I'm forced to host some external postgres DB on a VPS and communicate to it from workers. What would be the most secure and reliable way to communicate between my CF Workers and my postgres DB? Using a simple username + password connection string seems simple, but that opens possibility for brute-force attacks. And I'm not sure what types of firewall rule's I'd need to apply because CloudFlare would probably request the database from several different IP addresses.
3 Replies
Idle4mo ago
as for whitelisting cloudflare IPs you can check their ranges and perhaps you can use something like cloudflared to expose your postgres database?
Chaika4mo ago Cloudflare has hyperdrive, a service for connecting to Postgres DBs from Workers, which also has connection pooling and caching
Cloudflare Docs
Hyperdrive · Hyperdrive
Hyperdrive is a service that accelerates queries you make to existing databases, making it faster to access your data from across the globe, …
Chaika4mo ago
Both Hyperdrive and TCP Connect don't use /ips/ and instead use CF WARP IPs (not documented anywhere) though
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