V-Core 300 3.1 enclosed
RatRig Toolhead v2, EBB42 1.2 with adxl
Need help to understand, How do my graphics look?
6 Replies
Do I need to tighten the upper belt more?
mzv recommended 42k accel ??!!
unless you did some heavy mods to the printer, the results aren't right. the power spectral density is really low on your graphs, which leads me to believe that either your belts are incorrectly tensioned, or your ebb mount is damping the vibrations
id start with checking that belts are in ballpark tension range. https://canary.discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/791048619997659176/1196002549606666260
settings for the app
just did FMMM and Motor Decouple-Damper
Can you tell from the graph whether the belts are loose or too tight?
Later today i will use the sound method
you can make an educated guess, but the graphs don't show absolute tension, only if both belts are equally tensioned. theoretically if there's nothing else wrong, higher tension results in slightly higher frequency, and higher power spectral density.
gotcha, thanks