eGPU external monitor, Sleep cannot wake-up. Blank screen on both external and internal monitor.

Device: Legion Go. just tested: bazziteOS 2.4.0 (latest) -- For eGPU scenario, sleep is still big issue, cannot wake-up on external monitor connected via eGPU. I had to force reboot. noboraOS (latest with update) -- Sleep is working in eGPU.
8 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life3mo ago
Is this only w/ the eGPU connected, or does it happen for any sleep?
Ariobeth3mo ago
Sorry forgets to mention. Bazzite sleep is working fine without eGPU connected. (standalone). it happens when OneXGPU connected to external monitor. as mention Nobora is working fine. Same issue on prior bazzite version
1/4 Life
1/4 Life3mo ago
good to know, I'll peek around and see if I can find anything Thanks
Ariobeth3mo ago
Maybe or could be similar to the reported "Legion Go Suspend Issue" by aru sorry for reporting again. it just what i check easily now with the new build. hence, i made a report
1/4 Life
1/4 Life3mo ago
That suspend issue ended up being a problem with a wifi hardware driver unload script meant to fix another handheld so definitely unrelated, but Nobara tends to ship a slightly newer mesa stack than we do so it's possible the fix for what you're dealing with is there ours kernels are nearly 1:1
Ariobeth3mo ago
i see. yea KDE 6.2 + Mesa
1/4 Life
1/4 Life3mo ago
KDE 6 will come fairly soon w/ Fedora 40 betas
Ariobeth3mo ago
cool maybe kde 6 + new mesa ultimately solve all problems. but its stil other bugs around tho. new stuff