Working overseas with public trust clearance?

Is it possible to work overseas for a federal contractor while you have a public trust clearance? If you are caught working overseas, I assume the consequences are you get fired, is ther any more to it than that? I'm not talking about working directly for the feds, but for a federal contractor
4 Replies
Inocelda3mo ago
I don't recommend that. I don't know about public trust but for anything higher, you're required to fill out a foreign travel form anytime you leave the country. I would just be honest with them and say that you are planning to travel overseas and want to know if you can work while there.
other-emerald3mo ago
Agree with above ☝️
Inocelda3mo ago
Also, to your first question, I've worked overseas for cleared projects that were US-based. I always got permission beforehand and filled out the proper foreign travel forms. So to answer your question, yes, it's possible. If they say it's not allowed then you'll need to tell them that you will need to take leave until you return or quit that J. Don't try to be sneaky with that or you'll risk being banned from all future clearance work and probably felony, etc.
correct-apricot3mo ago
Thank you makes sense. Every time I get offered a new role with public trust, I ask about it and they say no travel overseas. I would LOVE to find federal contract work that would allow it!
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