lods struggle so much to load, even with maxed performance settings

hello, i'm using the latest release of DH the one that every youtuber is using rn that is compatible with bliss shaders. all i see in their videos is incredible render distances but one thing i can't explain myself is how long did it take them to load all those LODs. I have a pretty decent PC but even with a very low LODs graphics quality, after half an hour i get nearly as half as the LODs amount that i would like to play with. I tried staying AFK in many different worlds for more that 30 minutes but the results were always the same. I'm playing single player and the mods i'm using with DH are: Chunky 1.3.138 C2ME 0.2-0+alpha.11.58 Iris 1.7-alpha.1-ba8b16d4 Sodium 9.0.0 Indium 1.0.30 Tectonic 2.2 (world gen mod)
i was using tectonic, whic is a pretty hard to run world generation mod
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18 Replies
Fade3mo ago
btw i have an RTX2070 Super Intel Core i7-7700 3.60GHz 8G RAM
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Did you try increasing the CPU load
Fade3mo ago
how can i do that sorry i'm the noob here
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
The first thing you see when you open the DH config /config
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config. The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Fade3mo ago
i paid for the whole cpu mabye it's just me asking for too much i don't know how fast the LODs generally generate
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
after half an hour i get nearly as half as the LODs amount that i would like to play with.
Whats the amount of LODs that you would like to play with?
Fade3mo ago
like 256 render distance 256 yeah
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Slow, TLDR is mc world gen code is slow, so DH is also slow agfdsrdsrgd
Fade3mo ago
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
No description
Fade3mo ago
with my render distance being at 20, this is probably 50 LODs included
No description
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Yeah there should probably be more after half an hour Is distant generation enabled? And have you tried it with just DH installed?
Fade3mo ago
yup nope keep in mind this worl was created more or less 20 mins ago also another problem is that some LODs just disappear as i move fast towards them is this just the lods changing their render quality?
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Fade3mo ago
might have found the solution
Fade3mo ago
i was using tectonic, whic is a pretty hard to run world generation mod
Fade3mo ago
it was making the world generation much slower now i'm playing with the vanilla world generation and the lods generate incredibly fast