Timeout in wait for response (user message input)

Is it possible (or could it be) to set up some sort of timer that waits for a user's input but then either populates a variable that can be fed into a condition block or even just routes from the user input after a certain time with no input?
I'd like to keep a conversation going with a user with my 'Ask Assistant' block but then get the total thread token usage from OpenAI after the conversation is done (after a certain time with no user interaction) and potentially also send a final message and reset the thread.
Other applications of this could also include triggering a subsequent "Are you still there?" message, etc.
1 Reply
Baptiste3mo ago
This is something we'd like to implement: https://github.com/baptisteArno/typebot.io/issues/1225
User "idle" event · Issue #1225 · baptisteArno/typebot.io
I think would be important to be able to set a timeout on every type of input blocks. Lets say a contact takes longer than 5 minutes to answer... We could set this to be the timeout, and then execu...