Anyone know how to make the 1.20.4 version work on fabric?

I'm able to get the mod to be in the launch installation (I have the distant horizons settings in the options so i know that at least that part is working) but when I play I'm unable to actually get any distant chunks to load, it only loads the same as the vanilla game. Anyone know how to make this work, or if its even possible to make it work on fabric on this version? Thanks in advance :))
If you do have Sodium, well many reported their game stuck at launching when they have Sodium and no Indium.
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10 Replies
Natalya3mo ago
Singleplayer or multiplayer? Also, logs would be helpful
hardester3mo ago
If this is on servers/multiplayer environment, chunks needs to be explored first before lods can be generated. Singleplayer worlds are not limited.
andrew3mo ago
i tried both and neither work, and how would i get the logs?
Natalya3mo ago
In your .minecraft folder and in the folder called logs is a file latest.log, that's the logs from the last time you ran Minecraft (or current, if it's currently running)
andrew3mo ago
ohh logs say the dev recommends any version of indium, would downloading that maybe fix the problem? had to install that and a version of sodium but it works, now! thank you for the help
Natalya3mo ago
I'm assuming you were using sodium before?
andrew3mo ago
no i was just using fabric with fabric api and a few client side mods installed
hardester3mo ago
Indium is needed if you have Sodium, but if you don't have it, it's not a problem.
hardester3mo ago
If you do have Sodium, well many reported their game stuck at launching when they have Sodium and no Indium.
andrew3mo ago
ahh i see, well i managed to get it to work so thanks for helping with that