Deploy NexJS Site to CloudFlare Pages with Wrangler

Hi I have a monorepo setup (nx). Because monorepo is not supported by CloudFlare Pages, I would like to deploy the build folder manually using wrangler. npx wrangler pages deploy ./apps/app-nam --project-name mono-test-01 This folder includes the ./next/ output folder, as well as a package.json file, with a script, "start", being npx next start This uploads the files, but the link shows a 404. Any advice, how can I get the .next folder to run?
6 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Try npx wrangler pages deploy ./apps/app-nam/.next/output --project-name mono-test-01, or whatever the output folder is named
simmbiote3mo ago
Hmm no /output/ folder. The site also uses SSR features (not static).
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Hello, I’m Allie!
Are you using next-on-pages?
simmbiote3mo ago
Haven't got next-on-pages working fully with nx yet, but I managed to do it on a test app, by removing nx from the next.config.js file npx @cloudflare/next-on-pages@1 This now builds successfully, having remvoed nx from next.config.js I now need to upload "direct upload" using wrangler: npx wrangler pages deploy . --project-name mono-test-01 The files get uploaded (see screenshot). But since it is Direct Upload (not Git connected), seems that CloudFlare does not know to run it as a next app. It can't be git connected, because it's a monorepo. Any ideas?
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Hello, I’m Allie!
You want to deploy .vercel/output/static
simmbiote3mo ago
Interestingly that now shows an error page at least. Node.JS Compatibility Error
I added nodejs_compat compatibility and will now redeploy 🤞 Thanks @HardlyWorkin' that worked for my simple Nextjs app, will now try with a more advanced app in the repo, which has SSR, etc.
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