Failed to deploy template

I created this template: It worked fine deploying when I created it ~2weeks ago. Now it 'fails to fetch' then fails to deploy on a fresh deploy. I don't see any logs in observability. I'm not sure how I would know if it's an issue with the template itself without having more insight to the error. Am I missing something?
5 Replies
Percy3mo ago
Project ID: f0d5754a-e637-4c59-92c8-b6092c512887
AfroHorse3mo ago
f0d5754a-e637-4c59-92c8-b6092c512887 Either y'all are the fastest support I've ever seen, or something resolved by itself. A service appeared in this project just now and started initializing. I'll see if it ends up working. Though I'm still concerned it's a 'fail' on initial deploy. Looks like it's working as normal now. Hopefully the 'success on recent deploys' will update to higher than 0% lol
Brody3mo ago
dont think anyone did anything, could have just been a hiccup
AfroHorse3mo ago
Yeah looks to be that way. It's resolved now on my last 2 attempts. Thanks!
Brody3mo ago
sounds good!