Force Vercel build to fail when GitHub action fails
I've come to realize that create-t3-turbo's action won't do that. This means a type error can still build successfully. Am I mistaken? How can we achieve this?
7 Replies
Still nothing
You remove these lines
create-t3-turbo/apps/nextjs/next.config.js at 896df600bcc0e909c0b88...
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native - t3-oss/create-t3-turbo
Thank you. So basically no way to parallelize them with the apps to save time for the shared packages?
I'm trying to use the cache for linting and typecheck
letting Next do that will probably not use the cache
But I don't think we can make it work so nevermind that
Thanks for your help
You could also change your build command on vercel to run both build and lint
Using turbo
oh! I will try that