LOD chunks load very slowly are don't

my chunk are fully loading in a lot of minutes and when i just get near non-loaded zone, they don't load even if i'm near or they take minute to do. my render distance is 16 and the lod render distance is 340
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7 Replies
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Did you try increasing your CPU load Also https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/screenshotting-guide
Xienkaz3mo ago
I set it on « I paid for the whole cpu » but ut also take 30 minutes to load all chunks
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Minecrafts world gen code is slow, DH cant do much about that except throw more CPU power at it I would try with just DH to see if there is a difference
Xienkaz3mo ago
Wdym just DH ?
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Just distant horizons installed
Xienkaz3mo ago
Without Iris?
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Yes just DH means without Iris