Copprhead - Freeboard asks me to sign in every ...

Freeboard asks me to sign in every time I reopen the browser. Is that normal?
7 Replies
AdrianP3mo ago
If you login in the FB App then the token is persisted in a Cookie which is read each time the App starts. As long as the Cookie is present and the token is still valid FB will be authenticated to the SK Server. If the cookie is not present FB will not be authenticated by the SK Server and you will need to login. Note: new installations of FB will use a newer version of the SKclient library which now doesn't require you to login if you already have logged in via the SK Admin UI. Also if you embed FB in another app e.g. KIP, it will likely create and destroy an IFrame which will also cause the cookie to be lost.
Copprhead3mo ago
Is the cookie called sktoken?
AdrianP3mo ago
Copprhead3mo ago
I get two cookies, with the same value. One is called sktoken, the other JAUTHENTICATION. Only difference seems to be that sktoken has samesite=strict. But even when I reload Freeboard (don't even have to close the browser) it asks me to log in again. I deleted the cookies before this test and didn't open any other pages.
AdrianP3mo ago
JAUTHENTICATION is the cookie returned by the server in the response header. What browser are you using and on what device? I cannot reproduce what you are experiencing.
Copprhead3mo ago
Chromium on Raspbian Bullseye Also on Safari/Mac Might be a server thing? Also on Firefox/Mac What permissions does the user for FB need? Is rw enough or admin required?
AdrianP3mo ago
RW should be enough