VALORANT•3mo ago

My accounts been permanently banned for false reasons

Last time I played on my main was on 19/9/23. I now try log back into my account and the game says that I have been permanently banned for use of third party applications. Obviously, this is false so what do I do now and can I even recover my account?? I need it back since I spent a considerable flipping amount of money on this terrible game and resultantly want to enjoy the money I spent. I have never used any third party application with the intention of cheating however I may have used one for another reason such as stretched resolution but I can't remember since it was almost a year ago. Therefore, my ban is clearly unjustified and wish to have my account back. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
47 Replies
lyra•3mo ago
hello, Typically a permanent ban for third-party software (usually a van 152 hwid ban) will last 4 months if it's your first time and be permanent on your second ban. Sad news tho, the valorant account where you got banned on, will be deleted and you will have to create a new one 😔 Hope this helps:BearHeart: ;support
VANGUARD•3mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
lyra•3mo ago
this is the official support page if you would like to appeal the ban ^^
ayaan•3mo ago
so i cant get my account back cus its gonna get deleted anyways if i dont appeal
lyra•3mo ago
Correct, even when an appeal gets accepted the ban will only be lifted on your hardware id/computer and not your account. As soon as the ban was put into place your account is effectively locked
ayaan•3mo ago
then whats the point of appealing when i cant even get anything back what a terible game bans my account then cant even get it back for no reason
lyra•3mo ago
We do understand your frustration, but as a community-owned server, issues like this fall within riots jurisdiction. So I'm afraid that there is nothing we can do to help you more than to explain the situation
ayaan•3mo ago
smfh braindead fucking company not ur fault tho @lyra is there anything i can do to get refunds for my account from the stuff i bought cus thats just plain unfair
lyra•3mo ago
You could try to ask riot to refund you something. However the chances are extremely slim as when you bought the skin/vp you agreed to the purchase policy/contract:AMshrug:
hLo853•3mo ago
maybe u can refund by force with your bank riot deletes your account for that but they already deleted it lol
ayaan•3mo ago
not lol buddy ive lost a lot for no ffckin reason @lyra is there a way to check what proof riot had for banning me
lyra•3mo ago
you signed a contract when buying vp that you wouldn't do that plus I'm pretty sure banks can/wants only refund on credit cards and not debit As said you could try to contact Riot however they don't really tell you why you have been banned, so likely no
ayaan•3mo ago
how do i contact riot
VANGUARD•3mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
lyra•3mo ago
however there is a basically zero chance that they will tell you
ayaan•3mo ago
wtf how is that a thing they can just ban anyone without any fucking proof
hLo853•3mo ago
well they wouldnt ban some for no reason
ayaan•3mo ago
yeah well they did to me
hLo853•3mo ago
their reason is use of 3rd party software
ayaan•3mo ago
wait till bro realises that not all 3rd party software is used for cheating
hLo853•3mo ago
people would have told you that using stretch res software would potentially alert the anticheat thats why its not recommended better safe than sorry
ayaan•3mo ago
@lyra is there a way to check when my accounts ban was put in place this was a year ago bro i dont remember using any software at all im just guessing it was strecthed res software
lyra•3mo ago
not really
ayaan•3mo ago
if i did use it wdym not really yes or no
hLo853•3mo ago
just log onto your account
lyra•3mo ago
you can ask riot but they probably won't tell you:AMshrug:
hLo853•3mo ago
and see when the hwban ends and go back 4 months from that date
ayaan•3mo ago
its just telling me its permanently suspended where do i find when the ban end ends*
hLo853•3mo ago
thats it? just 2 words, permanently suspended?
ayaan•3mo ago
i can show you in like 30 mins while my current val is downloading
lyra•3mo ago
you won't however if it's your first permanent suspension you might get it lifted after 4months
ayaan•3mo ago
but what it said before was that i was permanently banned for use of third party applciations
hLo853•3mo ago
dont think he cares about the temp hwban
ayaan•3mo ago
wdym "might" 😭 😭 😭
hLo853•3mo ago
its his account getting deleted
ayaan•3mo ago
can u give me any answers that arent half assed
lyra•3mo ago
I mean sometimes they do sometimes not
hLo853•3mo ago
riot can potentially flag use of 3rd party software on the anticheat you admitted using one therefore you have taken the risk of getting banned
ayaan•3mo ago
can you read?? ^
hLo853•3mo ago
" I may have used one for another reason such as stretched resolution" that can be flagged too
ayaan•3mo ago
key word is "may" i thought that cus i used one for fortnite i remember
hLo853•3mo ago
still 3rd party software
ayaan•3mo ago
has riot ever helped anyone bro tf
hLo853•3mo ago
yeah youd be surprised but when it comes to the anticheat they arent usually wrong
ayaan•3mo ago
if it at least told me when i got banned ]
bruh•3mo ago
you should try submitting a ticket to rito gaemas
Bradley•3mo ago
Bro, stfu. Riot doesn't give a fk if u hate them or shi. They clearly trust their own vanguard system than you. Perma suspended account won't be retrieve unless they really pity for once. Nothing will be refunded and 4 months of hwid ban will be serve to you, check with them how long ur ban left and will be lifted while ur account will be remained banned forever Anything software that gives an advantage is considered 3rd party program from vanguard including ur stretch res program bc that res u using prolly not the res they provided u in game. There's so many other games for you to play, just quit yapping and play other games U don't have to be rude to the community here as we're not the riot official I'm not hating on you, I'm just telling it quite stupid from riot but it is what it is