Railway3mo ago

Builds failing suddenly

I have done some changes and suddenly builds are failing. Thought this was due to changes i have pushed but I have redeployed a previous build and the error still occurs. In the image I did a build 21 hours ago, that was successful. I have done a redeploy of the same build at the end showing 15 minutes ago and the build fails too
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22 Replies
Percy3mo ago
Project ID: 4f4f01e5-e5da-4e74-9885-a528f14bc4da
Taio3mo ago
Taio3mo ago
That is the 'staging' environment build. Have done a redeploy of the prod build that was successful 4 days ago and that is failing too. See below
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Brody3mo ago
it's very hard to help with the issue when we aren't told the issue, please provide your build logs with this https://bookmarklets.up.railway.app/log-downloader/
Taio3mo ago
I haven't changed any configs recently I just assumed it was a build issue on railway not on my code or any changed railway configs
Brody3mo ago
do you have a nixpacks.toml file?
Taio3mo ago
Yes [phases.setup] nixPkgs = ['nodejs', 'yarn'] [phases.install] cmds=['yarn install']
Brody3mo ago
do you have a yarn lock file
Taio3mo ago
i have a package-lock.json
Brody3mo ago
do you use yarn or npm locally?
Taio3mo ago
I use npm, am guessing I should change the nixpacks to npm No, this causes an error 1 minute into build
Brody3mo ago
please delete your nixpacks.toml file
Taio3mo ago
Brody3mo ago
you have conflicting peer dependencies, please fix that
Taio3mo ago
How can i change this command install │ npm ci to something along the line of --legacy peer deps, I only see how to override build command and have the script in
Brody3mo ago
ideally you would properly fix the conflicting peer dependencies, do you not have any interest in that?
Taio3mo ago
Okay, done. First the image size went from 2gb to 500mb after somehow switching to npm, wild. Second the server still does not start :mildpanic:
Taio3mo ago
I'll take the rest back to Medusa. I think there is an offending plugin Thanks:1010:
Brody3mo ago
happy to help where i can
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