IP Instancia

I want to use the IP of the server instance to fix the IP on the list of safe servers to allow payment reversals on the gateway I am using. Could you tell me how I can get the IP of the instance and could you tell me if it changes or if there is a way to leave it fixed?
unfortunately railway does not yet offer fixed IPs, and they are liable to change from deployment to deployment, your second best option would be to whitelist the set of cidr ranges for the region your app is deployed to - https://utilities.up.railway.app/cidr-list?value=us-west1
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7 Replies
Percy3mo ago
Project ID: 70a3180f-ddd8-4113-9cad-44842928e2b6
kaiomoreira__3mo ago
Brody3mo ago
unfortunately railway does not yet offer fixed IPs, and they are liable to change from deployment to deployment, your second best option would be to whitelist the set of cidr ranges for the region your app is deployed to - https://utilities.up.railway.app/cidr-list?value=us-west1
kaiomoreira__3mo ago
In this case, would you provide all these IPs for the payment gateway to allow these IPs?
Brody3mo ago
that is not a list of IPs, those are cidr ranges, you would set all those cidr ranges in your payment gateway
kaiomoreira__3mo ago
ok, thanks!!
Brody3mo ago
no problem!
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