Cloudflare/Worker Configuration questions:

Hi, everyone, Cloudflare/Worker Configuration questions: 1. What are the <your_cloudflare_zone_id>, workers 2. Where is the path to the worker script <path_to_your_worker_script.js> 3. Where is the zone ID unique to the Cloudflare account and domain setup? (The path to your worker script should be the file path where your JavaScript for the Cloudflare Worker is located.). Regards, Hal
1 Reply
Chaika3mo ago
1. I don't know what you mean by that 2. I don't know what you mean by that. 3. The zone ID is unique to your Cloudflare domain in your account. You can find it in the Cloudflare dashboard by selecting the domain you are working with and looking under the “Overview” tab, at the bottom right corner in the “API” section.