How to customize default <input> date picker?

Is there a way to edit the appearance of the default date picker? Right now, I'm just looking to change the primary color from blue to a specific color of red. (see image) Currently, I'm using the <input type="datetime-local"> HTML element through React. The project I'm tasked to work on is using React Bootstrap, but that doesn't seem to have its own date picker, so I went this route
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6 Replies
ἔρως3mo ago
currently? not really check if the framework/library you are using has a calendar
TulioG3mo ago
From what I've searched react-bootstrap doesn't have one. I would have to look for an additional framework/library, but those would already be customized to the intended appearance of the original creator
clevermissfox3mo ago
Does accent-color work on it?
TulioG3mo ago
Hello @clevermissfox ! Thank you for your response! Sadly it doesn't work based on my testing. It seems that the default <input type="datetime-local"> will vary based on the browser running it. The Firefox implementation doesn't have colors, and also doesn't provide a GUI way to specify a time. Will now mark this thread as 'sovled'
clevermissfox3mo ago
ἔρως3mo ago
boooo indeed the html spec doesnt say how one should render the calendar, which is a good and bad thing you probably can use a bootstrap calendar
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