Vanguard crashs Pc (I think)

Hey since I have valorant sometimes my pc just restarts often when I am away and it goes to standby mode when I move my mouse again in restarts but sometimes also when I am just watching yt (never when i play valorant) and I think its maybe smething with vanguard because I think how it works is it looks through your pc and looks for 3 party software, does anyone else have this problem?
7 Replies
.3mo ago
Vanguard only checks all your files, I don't think it can do something like that.
kelp juice
kelp juice3mo ago
simple, buy a new pc
redeya <33
redeya <333mo ago
expensive tho
lyra3mo ago
i think its a computer problem and not vg
!Syrise3mo ago
ok tahts bad thats
arab cat
arab cat3mo ago
open event viewer and look for critical errors and errors. there you should be able to find answers
!Syrise3mo ago