Http Request Headers Modification

What did you expect to happen? I expected to see the modification of http request headers. What actually happened? It did not change the request header by setting "Accept" to "image/jpg,image/png". Nothing changed actually. Reproduction Steps Create a new transform rule. Have it applied to all incoming traffic (just for the sake of testing) and choose Set Static and Set "Accept" to "image/jpeg,image/png,image/jpg"
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8 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak33mo ago
How are you checking the request header? Server logs?
leequan3mo ago
Inspect element > networks > request headers
Cyb3r-Jak33mo ago
Yeah that won’t show it. The headers will be Cloudflare -> Server.
leequan3mo ago
I see. So is there any other way to force Cloudflare to serve image in jpg/png?
Cyb3r-Jak33mo ago
I mean the headers will be sent to the server as you have set
leequan3mo ago
But the image served is still in avif
nir43mo ago
so it seems like your server isn't properly converting it you should remake the code on the server to convert it to the format you or if its some scary saas app that'll crumble when poked, you can accomplish it with a worker
leequan3mo ago
Well thanks!