Why I use nightly build but it said I use an unknown and want to me check it's from curseforge

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5 Replies
hardester3mo ago
What is this? What are you trying to do here?
+danny3mo ago
xd are you trying to upload the nightly builds to modrinth?
VMQuan☭3mo ago
I did an modpack but modrinth think that I use an version that in curseforge or other zones
hardester3mo ago
I don't think you can add any packs that are in closed beta into a production modpack. Last thing you want is killing someone's GPU. Head over to the Iris Discord server if you like to hear some story about it...
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Its because Bliss is normally hosted on curseforge, so the curseforge licence applies to it Also screaming at the modrinth mods definitely wont make them wanna help you more And its bad practice to use beta builds in modpacks in general