DH not working with and without Bobby [Sodium 1.19.4]

I get these weird chunks when using bobby with DH, even without bobby I get the same error as shown in the screenshot. Heck even removing DH doesn't fix Bobby The log file is attached. These are the mods I am using in this instance: Appleskin Bobby CIT resewn Capes Cloth Config API Continuity Distant Horizons Dynamic FPS Eating Animation Enhanced Block Entities Entity Culling Fabric API Fabric Language Kotlin FabricSkyboxes Interop FabricSkyboxes FastQuit FerriteCore ImmediatelyFast Indium Iris Shaders LambDynamicLights Lithium Malilib Mod Menu Mouse Tweaks OptiGUI Puzzle Reese's Sodium Options Smooth Boot (Fabric) Sodium Sodium Extra Starlight (Fabric) SuperMartijn642's Core Lib Tweakeroo Worldedit YetAnotherConfigLib [EMF] Entity Model Features [ETF] Entity Texture Features Thanking You!
6 Replies
Certified P. Drizzy
fix is already in nightly build ( #links-n-downloads )
KRISHP3mo ago
trying rn
KRISHP3mo ago
No description
KRISHP3mo ago
Chunks still broken
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
The missing chunks is cus DH doesnt have enough time to make LODs out of them when you fly over them Increase CPU load and see if that helps Also are you on a server or singleplayer?
KRISHP3mo ago
its singleplayer