Does this polo shirt look cool? Should I buy it?

This is from Zara. It’s a bit expensive so I need second opinion. I’m building my wardrobe from scratch and wanted a summer look. It’s cotton and acrylic mix fabric. Does this polo look cool/fashionable for casual men’s wear? Would you buy something like this?
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8 Replies
raisinpie3mo ago
This looks hard to style, if you're starting from scratch I wouldn't get this first
Archie3mo ago
Ok thanks 😄
Cozzie3mo ago
defo a statement peace you can bring out. But ye defo not starting out. But again, you can have a few staple colours (navy/olive) and bring this bad boy out once in a while lol
Archie3mo ago
How would you style this bad boy? What color pants and shoes?
Cozzie3mo ago
hmm. Not quite sure. All I know is that pants should be kept minimal. Either a statement top or bottom. Not both. But again, this is out of my styling knowledge!
Archie3mo ago
Minimal pants make sense. Thanks Cozzie 😄
Zee3mo ago
colours that are already existing so light blue or yellow pants you probs have light blue jeans in your wardrobe. cream would be good as its a light colour, you can look at whats complementary (opposite on the colour wheel) to the least dominant colour on the pattern (but theres a pretty equal amount of each one) or just pick another colour of a similar saturation like light green. I dont think darker colours will be too good tbh
Archie3mo ago
Thanks Zee 😄