~1K DNS records when adding my domain

Hello, I have recently added my domain on Cloudflare and saw that Cloudflare has fetched ~1K DNS record from my registrar, is there any way to bulk delete them?
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8 Replies
nir43mo ago
Cloudflare Docs
Delete all DNS records · Cloudflare DNS docs
Learn how to delete all your DNS records in Cloudflare with a script so you can start from zero instead of using the quick scan results.
nir43mo ago
add the variables, install jq/curl, paste the command, and profit.
leah3mo ago
ill try
nir43mo ago
also when I did this, I found it helpful to add an & to the end of the second curl (that is, making all requests happen at once)
Chaika3mo ago
I would be very careful with that. You only get 1200 requests per 5 minutes, including dashboard api requests and through the api itself. I think most would rather it be slow and reliable rather then bug out half way through
leah3mo ago
i cant get it to work hey, do you know how i can run it?
Chaika3mo ago
That script requires Linux. If you're on Windows, you could try https://cloudflare-utils.cyberjake.xyz/dns/purge/ instead.
nir43mo ago
if you're on windows, you should get good