Worth it? Or alternatives to Spier and Mackay Knitwear

Hey, I’m really liking the look of Spier and Mackay’s knitwear specifically the polos they have. I am in Canada if that helps. Does have any reviews or opinions about their knitwear or stuff I should know before hand? Or any alternatives either cheaper or more expensive that have a better price to quality ratio? Thank you!
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3 Replies
aayushu3mo ago
Great quality for the price. I don't think you can do better for what they charge.
raisinpie3mo ago
Price to quality ratio is super subjective. Spier is solid for the price imo. They run 20% off sales often so I'd wait for one of those. I like 1 the best, 2 is ok, not a fan of 3.
822pm3mo ago
Thank you!