IoT Solution Reliability Checklist: Ensuring High Availability and Seamless Connectivity! šŸ“±šŸ’”

āœ… Endpoint High Availability: Ensure that the IoT platform endpoint is highly available for uninterrupted connectivity with devices and external applications. Implement load balancing and multi-region deployment for maximum uptime. āœ… Fallback Endpoint and Switching Logic: Prepare for unexpected disruptions by exposing a fallback endpoint and implementing switching logic in devices. Reduce outage risks during major breakdowns by seamlessly transitioning to the backup endpoint. āœ… Quality of Service (QoS) Levels: Prioritize essential messages using appropriate QoS levels to guarantee reliable delivery. Avoid overflows caused by non-critical telemetry messages during communication outages. āœ… Reliable Storage for Inbound Messages: Store inbound messages in reliable storage before processing to prevent data loss in case of backend application failure. Utilize message queues or databases for secure and durable storage. āœ… Automatic Credentials Rotation: Implement automatic credentials rotation to bolster security and prevent unauthorized access to devices. Use a certificate authority or a key management service for secure credential management. By following this checklist, you can significantly improve the reliability and resilience of your IoT solution.
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