Railway3mo ago

Connecting PostgresSQL <> DBGate - where to find the server url?

I am trying to connect DBGate to my PostgresSQL DB. Following what I have seen online on sites like answeroverflow, I have the following credentials filled: - server: ??? - port: 5432 - user : railway - password: $PGPASSWORD (value of this env variable) - default database: (blank) I am not sure which server url to use. I have tried the following but all do not work: - public networking url: roundhouse.proxy.rlwy.net:NNNNN (where NNNNN is a port number) - $DATABASE_URL - $DATABASE_PRIVATE_URL - my website domain name In other examples online, I see medium articles and such that find the server url in the Connections tab, but this tab no longer exists
switch to the Use database URL mode and paste in your database url, set a display name and click save. the database url is found in the service variables tab...
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5 Replies
Percy3mo ago
Project ID: N/A
leaf3mo ago
Brody3mo ago
switch to the Use database URL mode and paste in your database url, set a display name and click save. the database url is found in the service variables tab
leaf3mo ago
wow much simpler! Thanks!
Brody3mo ago
no problem