Cloudflare Deployment Container Image?

I am building a Sveltekit App that is being auto deployed when I push to GitHub. I'm wanting to setup my local testing environment to use the same image that Cloudflare is using to deploy me app. I am also going to create a separate container for service workers only and wanted to get that image also. Thanks
4 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Pages/Workers aren't deployed in containers, if that is what you mean?
Sorry. I should have been more clear. I was referring to the container image Cloudflare uses to build my repo before deploying to Cloudflare Pages I'm not sure if there is anything special or if it is just a generic container
Hello, I’m Allie!
It's just whatever buildtools it detects you need
ok. I'll just assume it's some standard node based container. Thank you