Crash, don't know how to fix it.

I downloaded some mods. When trying to open the game I keep getting crashes. here is the latest log.
9 Replies
j4ck3mo ago
Here is the crash log.
j4ck3mo ago
When I disable DH and try opening the game, there is no issue occurs.
Certified P. Drizzy
delete DH config in .minecraft/config
j4ck3mo ago
I am using modrinth app. Where should I look for a config file?
Certified P. Drizzy
idk where modrinth install mc folder, but naming scheme after modrinth folder should be like that
j4ck3mo ago
Still crashing.
Certified P. Drizzy
send log
j4ck3mo ago
Found the config file btw. Oh allright. Problem solved it seems. After I done this. Problem solved. Thank you very much.