
Account got hacked and banned

Hello there, my account got hacked and someone login with my account. I can see that in my tracker he or she didn't play with my account but my account was banned permanant for third party software. I didnt do anything, i changed my password, and everything, i can play with the account on league of legends, but i cant on valorant. Please if someone have any ideas, i need to recover my account. i got so many skin, i have proof with everything. And we can also see that we dont have the same IP when the hacker login into my account. I did too many ticket support on valoran but they dont wanna hear anything, i dont know why we get banned for something we didnt do.. I have all the bills for my account too. Ill appreciate that if someone could help me with that.
28 Replies
jidat3mo ago
If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved. Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
TitoW3mo ago
Bro "Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved." I dont understand Like there is no solution for that?
jidat3mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
jidat3mo ago
Make a ticket And explain ur situation
TitoW3mo ago
You think that they will understand my situation?
jidat3mo ago
If it was logged in somewhere else then yes prob
TitoW3mo ago
ima try lets see but the problem is that they say " Hello there! Our team will thoroughly investigate the suspension on your account in the upcoming 3-4 days. If the decision is to modify the account’s suspension, we’ll get back to you in this ticket. If we consider that your account doesn’t meet the necessary conditions to have the suspension modified or lifted, it will remain on the account and we will not reach back to you." And they never answer back
jidat3mo ago
Also how do u know the account was banned for third party software? How much time did u wait for?
TitoW3mo ago
when i try to login with it and try to play valorant, it doesnt work
jidat3mo ago
So u have the account?
TitoW3mo ago
No description
jidat3mo ago
Wdym by "i need to recover my account"?
TitoW3mo ago
too much time more than 3 days
jidat3mo ago
It takes 1-5 days to get a reply for things like these
TitoW3mo ago
Yes i got it now, ive changed the password and even the nickname ive waited months
jidat3mo ago
Make a new account And make a ticket using that account Mention ur username and email connected to the main account Also dont send more than 1 ticket as it will result in more waiting time.
TitoW3mo ago
why i should do that like i dont understand why i dont use the account already banned for the ticket?
jidat3mo ago
U said u didn't get a reply for that right?
TitoW3mo ago
only blitzcrank bot the bot who only say " Hello there! Our team will thoroughly investigate the suspension on your account in the upcoming 3-4 days. If the decision is to modify the account’s suspension, we’ll get back to you in this ticket. If we consider that your account doesn’t meet the necessary conditions to have the suspension modified or lifted, it will remain on the account and we will not reach back to you."
jidat3mo ago
Check the status of ur ticket using the link that blitzcrank bot gave u
TitoW3mo ago
Solved always Solved no answer after the bot message
jidat3mo ago
Ig u can't be unbanned then Still i would suggest make a completely new account Ask them how long the ban is gon be Also are u hwid banned?
TitoW3mo ago
i dont think so because i play valorant on another account
jidat3mo ago
Yeah make a ticket using a different account and mention ur username and tagline
TitoW3mo ago
okk ima try
jk3mo ago
I have a somewhat similar situation, I have tons of skins and lost my account over a year and a half ago. I changed the email on my account and I don’t know it. I put in a ticket and I think that’s all you can do. I’ve been waiting a few days now and no response but I keep checking email to see if there is an update. You will likely have the issue that you have to be signed out to make the account recovery ticket. It should send an email confirmation to the original creation email assuming you can access it.