Victron IP67 / VictronConnect

Any chance we have a known way to pull data from the IP67? It's bluetooth only but I use it for Shorepower with a cerbus-gx-s and a MPPT - but I can't track the data from the IP67 outside the victron connect app, which is oddly closed for a company that's been so open lately... Halp!?
16 Replies
gregy3mo ago
@irjudson unfortunately (as far as im aware) the current position is ..No. the victron BLE plugin doesnt support the IP67s, and only supports a limited selection of the victron “bluetooth broadcast BLE” enabled devices. the author/s of the plugin indicated that at present expanding the compatabiluty was a low priority.. i likewise have two IP67s that i used for starter battery ‘charging” (mostly floating/storeage mode).. to get around it, i fitted shunts on each IP67 output, and with sensESP and INAxxx devices I read the shunt current and chgr output volts. whilst i dont get “chgr mode” .. its fairly easy to determine by the chgr voltage when it moves between float and storeage … in which it spends most of its time.
irjudson3mo ago
This was my thought, a way to measure the input and output and wire it into my cerbo-gx-s as the "AC Input" and "AC Output" (I don't have any actual AC on the boat, it's too small to warrant it - just DC) Thanks for the confirmation, I can't stomach buying the IP43 just for the VE.Direct interface to the Cerbo, but two monitors is almost the same price!
nimblewillo3mo ago
Victron has a really odd take on their smart devices. I get the feeling that there's some schism inside their engineering team where one team DGAF as long as they ship gear.
mpvader2mo ago
Hey all. Victron speaking here. yes the Blue Smart Chargers are quite last in line wrt getting the Instant readout feature (our commercial name for the BLE broadcasting protocol). Its about prios and limited resources rather than DGAF. But good news: we finished adding instant readout to the blue smart chargers (IP22, IP65, IP67); and that firmware is just going into internal testing now. So I’d say two, perhaps three months and you’ll find a new firmware for your charger that adds Instant readout.
irjudson2mo ago
@mpvader I'm happy to beta test if you want, no surprises or expectations, just a friendly offer...
tobi422mo ago
@irjudson if you have an iOS device, you can simply self-signup for beta releases through apple's "testflight":
irjudson2mo ago
@tobias_r maybe I misunderstood, I took "instant readout" to be BLE broadcast, which I hoped to mean I could see my IP67 status on my Cerbus-GX and report it via N2k...which is the functionality I am hoping for 🙂
tobi422mo ago
yeah, and that same functionality is used in the iOS and android apps. which are also used for firmware updates on bluetooth-enabled chargers/shunts/etc. - so if you run a beta version of the iOS app, you automagically get access to the beta firmware releases. but i think the cerbo would also need a software update to be able to handle the IP67-charger BLE messages, so...
irjudson2mo ago
I am running the beta app now fwiw. Thx
gregy2mo ago
also highly interested in this feature, I had/have the signalk BLE plugin - but as we know it has v limited support for devices. So to clarify above : am i correct that Cerbo has? or is planned to have? functionality (via bluetooth) to read in the BLE device messages? (if so , this is fantastic and closes the Cerbo gap for the BLE (only) devices ).
tobi422mo ago
i don't know about the cerbo, but seeing as I have two IP65 chargers on our small boat.. you can expect the BLE plugin to have support for them as soon as the charger firmware does BLE 😉
gregy2mo ago
@tobias_r noted and excellent news, and my thanks to you for your efforts on the signalk BLE plugin. (which i have deployed, but not yet doing anything useful 😦 …. anyway we can motivate also getting - Smart Battery - orion B2Bs included into the future roadmap? 🙂 .. I have qty 6 Orion B2Bs, qty 2 IP67 chgrs, qty 3 Smart Lithium batteries…. all with BLE … but no way to read it via Cerbo OR Signalk. the signalk BLE plugin is my hope that i can expand the information avail in signalk from these devices.. further.. given i have all the above devices, and have the bluetooth capability enabled in rpi/signalk, im willing to help/contribute where I can; i can run the “BLE/BT scanner” or similar sw to capture BLE messages from above devices. Im hopeless at coding , but very capable with help in capturing data, analysis, and testing/debug.
tobi422mo ago
the "orion smart" dc/dc converters are already supported by the signalk plugin.. and someone else (on the old slack) said they were working on support for the smart-lithium batteries
gregy2mo ago
good news on B2Bs .. sorry i had missed that one. look fwd to testing in a a weeks time once back to the boat.
mpvader2mo ago
Hey again all, thanks for the offers. For now no help is needed; and first place where this new blue smart charger firmware is available will indeed be a VictronConnect beta version. I don’t know the timeline by heart to be honest.
irjudson2mo ago
No worries, thanks