Kinde3mo ago

need access for kinde billing, please need urgent

i need early access for kinde subcription pleasee
3 Replies
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde3mo ago
Hi @Abdullah, We are going to start releasing Billing for certain beta customers towards the end of this month (end of April). To help us make sure we are building a Billing product that solves your needs are you able to answer the following: 1. What you are building? 2. Is your product B2B? B2C? Something else? 3. Ideally what pricing plans and models (e.g. $10/month) do you wish to offer your customers?
Abdullah2mo ago
I am billing a course site its b2c and the price would be $10
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde2mo ago
Thanks for getting back to me Abdullah. You would be able to build these pricing plans in Kinde once the billing feature is live.