have 0 fps when im press rigth click in one block

when you press rigth click in one block the FPS goes to 0
4 Replies
Puhpine3mo ago
does it also happen with just DH? i see you already answered that question in a help-me, sorry
MarijnIsN00B3mo ago
Please attach full logs while using the nightly build The more info, the more likely the bug will be squashed
Poops373mo ago
im using the alfa
Natalya3mo ago
Not the first time this has been reported (https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/881614131877269586/1204830855776833567), was it ever fixed? IIRC it's some hack the devs did for Forge as a proxy for catching block placement to dirty LODs, but that conversation was months ago.