I am charged twice for the same BD
I have double database since the migration, and I am being billed twice as much, I have several databases in railway but there is one that I noticed that charges me much more than the rest when I opened it I noticed that there are two.
and the one that says legacy is the one that is currently being used and the current info is being saved.
id: 380c8cc0-0f39-45cc-8dbe-d234f200ef00
5 Replies
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you are charged according for what resources you have used
you are welcome to remove services you arent using so that you dont get charged for their resources
the one that says legacy is being used, if I delete the other one will I have no problems?
i can not make those kinds of guaranties, but if you are correct in saying that the other one is not being used then yes you can delete it