inconsistent overlap/bridge
Any idea why one of the bridges are perfect and the other is really bad? They are very similar in shape.
ABS 240/110

8 Replies
Is the print direction of the bridge the same? It looks like one takes the long way, and the other the short
I think you're right. Nice catch. I only checked and both are on X axis but as you say one of the bridges are not running across, instead the long way as you say. That's really stupid by slicer. Is there a way to force the direction on bridges individually?
Im not sure, this should be a common enough problem that there is a slicer setting that fixes it
If you find out, let me know :p
I solved it. Its not really user-friendly but I right-clicked the object, selected create modifier. Placed the box around the area and changed the infill direction of the bridging for that object. See screenshots below

Okay I guess it works. I hoped there was a "Dont do retarded bridges" checkbox somewhere
Hahaha.. Mee 2