Railwayβ€’3mo ago

Issue when deploying Typebot template

Looks like something went wrong and the train derailed... Hello, I have tried deploying both Typebot templates available... and both are giving me this screen. Can anyone help please?
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7 Replies
Percyβ€’3mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Jowthejowβ€’3mo ago
N?A @Brody
Brodyβ€’3mo ago
looks like you have already upgraded to hobby, you should be good to deploy the correct typebot template again - https://railway.app/template/typebot if you have accidentally deployed the other typebot template we wouldn't be able to provide support for it, please make sure you have deployed the correct template.
Jowthejowβ€’3mo ago
Hey @Brody thanks a ton, yes I figured it out and am so surprised how easy it was to have a selfhosted typebot. I was wandering how the templates work, will my project be constantly be updated and in sync with the orginal typebot repo? or am I a standalone version right now? finally, am I able to change the code of my typebot version on railway, if so how? Sorry im new, but excited to be building πŸ™‚
Brodyβ€’3mo ago
you are now isolated from changes made to the template itself yes, but to update the typebot version in use after typebot makes an update you would only need to redeploy the builder and viewer services
Jowthejowβ€’3mo ago
Awesome thanks, im guessing im safe from the app crashing then πŸ™‚
Brodyβ€’3mo ago
safe from the app crashing?
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