server wold download and using vanilla shading with shaders

not the best title, but i have two questions: if i download my server's world, and open it in singleplayer, is it possible to generate LODs for all generated chunks, for later use in said server? if so, i'm good with managing the files, but is there anything i'd have to do in-game or in the configs for it to work? second, is there a way to have the LODs use vanilla minecraft's shading while using shaders for the real chunks?
4 Replies
TheNewSky3mo ago
1) You should be able to do that. There are some options for multiplayer in the DH settings but you shouldn't need to touch them for it to work. 2) No idea if this is possible with the DH and iris betas. You can do this with the full releases of iris (pre-1.7) by using certain shaders like complementary reimagined.
aycfes3mo ago
Nice, thank you Do you know if ocullus also works with complimentary, for that? I don't know how close they are, with their features, and have yet to find a relevant option in it's settings
TheNewSky3mo ago
Yes oculus works for that
aycfes3mo ago
perfect, thank you very much