How do I estimate the lifespan of a microcontroller?

Hello everyone, I have some concerns bothering me.I would like to know how one can estimate the lifespan of a microcontroller (for example AVR). And can microcontrollers work 24/7 ??
Microcontroller lifespan estimation depends on operational and environmental conditions. Properly designed microcontrollers can work 24/7 with adequate power management and cooling.
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7 Replies
aymen ammari
aymen ammari2mo ago
Microcontroller lifespan estimation depends on operational and environmental conditions. Properly designed microcontrollers can work 24/7 with adequate power management and cooling.
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna2mo ago
Is quite hard to determine this, there are many factors involved such as temperature, operating conditions, how often it's been used. But all normal conditions been met, it should last minimum of 5 to 10 years. And yes it can work 24/7
techielew2mo ago
@Camila_99$$ are you loooking to use a particular micro in a particular application?
Camila_99$$2mo ago
Yessir I'm exploring the possibility of using an AVR microcontroller for a long-term project that may require continuous operation.
techielew2mo ago
Which AVR and at what frequency?
Camila_99$$2mo ago
Hi @techielew Well I'm currently considering using the ATmega328P AVR microcontroller, operating at a frequency of 16 MHz. Do you have any recommendations or insights regarding the choice of AVR model??
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna2mo ago
The ATmega328p is a good choice for starting
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