DH has no effect at all on my game

I understand people's mod not working happends here all the time. But im sure this is a unique case as ive seen NO videos that have my exact problem. And the FAQ doesnt seem to answer it aswell. I will explain here what happends and what i've tried to fix it. Mods i run: DH Bliss Shaders Bobby Iris Shaders Fabric API Indium Sodium Mod menu Nvidium. All in 1.20.1 So when im ingame the vanilla settings has a cap on 32 chunks. Which is normal, but when i go in DH settings ingame and i change the LOD distance from lets say 100 to 300 it has no effect at all. Nothing changes in the world the only difference is the number in the settings. And im sure this is the case with every setting DH has, i havent tested them all but i have noticed nothing. Now when i change the render distance in vanilla from lets say 32 to 14 it does change. And has immideate effect. Which makes me think that DH is non existent at all. Now increasing it with bobby works. But that is still just the vanilla settings, no effect on DH at all. If im correct DH loads in chunks but with very minimal detail like how many games have when there are structures in the distance. Very low detail BUT STILL VISIBLE. Increasing it with Bobby means that every chunk has alot of detail which is too much for my pc to handle 😂. So i've narrowed it down to a DH issue. And i havent found a fix. And this isn't a matter of loading the chunks first, constantly do the chunks that are supposed to show with DH dissapear when i move outside the 32 chunk distance. Downloading Chunky or concurrent chunk manager also did not work. If anyone could help me i would greatly appreciate it. The mod looks absolutely awesome and i wish to experience it 🥲 If this is a repeated question please direct me to the answer. If im missing any information needed please tell me and i will provide it.
62 Replies
majo24•4mo ago
Does this also happen without shaders?
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Yes it does. Turning them on and off does nothing
hardester•4mo ago
Have you consider, you know, waiting?
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Yes i've been waiting a day. And i've played for hours and nothing changed
majo24•4mo ago
Does this happen with just DH?
Shooterpea•4mo ago
I've also tried getting the mods into the actual launcher. Didnt work either
hardester•4mo ago
Allow me to ingest your wall of text. Be back real quick...
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Im pretty sure. Every other mod works just DH doesnt. Settings of DH doesnt change the game at all Ofcourse take ur time.
hardester•4mo ago
So I read the description of Bobby and, I believe the way Bobby works may conflict with how Distant Horizons work. Try removing only Bobby in your total mods list and check your game.
Shooterpea•4mo ago
So i have tried turning it off, i use modrinth btw. Does deleting it completely and turning it off temporarly have any difference? Either way, just deleted bobby and it made no difference.
majo24•4mo ago
no it doesn't make a difference
Shooterpea•4mo ago
I see, its not a bobby issue then.
hardester•4mo ago
Take a screenshot of your F3 debug menu. Need to do some sanity check.
Shooterpea•4mo ago
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Shooterpea•4mo ago
This what u mean? As u can see it doesnt go further then 14 chunks. Which is what i have my vanilla render distance at
cola98765•4mo ago
what's your version of Iris?
Shooterpea•4mo ago
1.6.17 + 1.20.1
hardester•4mo ago
Man, I sure hate automatic GUI scale. They always puts it so large at 1080p, it truncates the rest F3 menu... :cou:
cola98765•4mo ago
you are indeed a 🤡 1.7 only works
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Oh i hope so. I hope its an easy fix
cola98765•4mo ago
and it's not in official releases
hardester•4mo ago
All this time, the issue was a wrong version of Iris....
Shooterpea•4mo ago
That narrows it down. I'll take a look into that version and update you guys Do i just remove the old iris and put the new one with the rest in the modrinth mods folder?
majo24•4mo ago
yea also make sure, if you want to use shader, that you use a compatible shader
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Bliss shaders is compatible im sure. I've seen others use it
majo24•4mo ago
but only the beta
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Right. probably dont have that one. Where can i get it?
cola98765•4mo ago
you need beta versions of iris, DH, and bliss its all in the package I've linked to
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Ur right is has everything included Okay small problem. With the beta bliss shaders it showed this
Shooterpea•4mo ago
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Shooterpea•4mo ago
Not a bug. But i thought Bliss worked with DH. Atleast the beta version
hardester•4mo ago
Shooterpea•4mo ago
But without shaders yes it does work!
hardester•4mo ago
Also the wrong version of Bliss.
Shooterpea•4mo ago
hardester•4mo ago
By the way, you have your GUI scale set to Auto, correct?
Shooterpea•4mo ago
hardester•4mo ago
Sucks that IMS only develop and put that warning banner while at GUI scale of 2, which the text will (mostly) fit.
Shooterpea•4mo ago
True. But its okay we know i got the wrong Bliss version Which is the right one and where can i get it?
Certified P. Drizzy
Certified P. Drizzy•4mo ago
check bliss github
majo24•4mo ago
should be in the package you installed
Mati•4mo ago
use Bliss Main shader
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Yes i got it from there. Maybe i just loaded it in the folder wrong Let me ss it real quick Every mod in the mod folder
Shooterpea•4mo ago
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majo24•4mo ago
Dont unzip the Bliss-Shader-main and put it in the shaderpacks folder in your Minecraft instance
hardester•4mo ago
Shooterpea•4mo ago
On it Done. I will test it now Hmm doesnt seem to do anything. Might have put it in the wrong folder again
majo24•4mo ago
Make sure you selected the right
Shooterpea•4mo ago
It is in here rn.
Shooterpea•4mo ago
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Shooterpea•4mo ago
NIEUWE is the name of the modrinth instance
majo24•4mo ago
That should be fine
Shooterpea•4mo ago
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Shooterpea•4mo ago
Minecraft sees it But enabling it doesnt change the visuals
hardester•4mo ago
:cou: Are we gonna have to guide you what goes where, and how things should look like?
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Might have to. Ima admit im not the smartest when it comes to these folders It is greatly appreciated tho. We've come further that anything i could by myself
hardester•4mo ago
Iris-Sodium-Beta-1.20.1.zip is the file you extract, of which inside it contains the files you put into your instance. - DistantHorizons, Iris, Sodium and Indium goes into your mods folder, - Bliss-Shaders-Main.zip goes into your shaderpacks folder.
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Hahaha that was it im pretty sure
Shooterpea•4mo ago
No description
Shooterpea•4mo ago
Looks amazing Thank you guys for taking ur time.