Water looks weird (cuts) and not rendering properly (Transparancy is complete in settings)
The water looks like this i read through faq and did not find anything, i tried using blendium but the Lods just dont render when i have it installed not sure why its like this, have the latest nightly build and latest iris release and everything

21 Replies
Using the clear water resouce pack?
oh im not sure i think one of the resource packs i use has something like that included
i would need to change it then ig
disabled all resource packs

Are you on a server?
but it looks similar on single player

its like the sea floor is not being rendered
fake transparency looks better but some of the sea floor is still missing

Did you change the brightness or saturation settings?
What kind of server
I think Ive seen someone have the same issue on the same server
after changing resource packs restart game
make sure brightness and saturation are set to 1
its uh wynncraft
it has its own resource pack
Yeah thats the one
ok, that explains it
so if the server forces you to use a resource pack it might work worse
since it changes after you join
and iirc server resource packs are locks and can't be used normally
(tho you may try to copy it to use in singleplayer)
yea i have it downloaded and have it applied like regular resource packs
but im restarting cause i didnt know you need to restart for resource packs to work
it does not reset properly... biome tin specifically seems bad
another thing these blocks are blue in the lod's but in reality they are the same color reds/blacks as everywhere else not sure why
(i loaded the resource pack from startup)

inside might have blue coloring i think
DH tires to use the top color of the block
I think wood logs is kind of an exception tho
ah ok
cause i think they used like diamond blocks or smth then like covered the outside in the actual colored red/black blocks
the higher quality i choose the less blue there is
btw is it possible to use bobby + dh?
like bobby to increase normal render distance and dh just for far away areas
yea iirc theyre compatible