Nuxt4mo ago

[Vue warn]: Component inside <Transition> renders non-element root node that cannot be animated.

Hello everyone ! I've tried to make a combobox with an appear animation of the popper but I have the error:
[Vue warn]: Component inside <Transition> renders non-element root node that cannot be animated.
at <Teleport disabled=false forceMount=true to=undefined >
at <ComboboxPortal forceMount="" >
at <BaseTransition appear=false persisted=false mode=undefined ... >
at <Transition name="fade" >
at <Primitive ref=fn<s> style=
Object { pointerEvents: undefined }
as=undefined ... >
at <PopperRoot class="w-[200px]" >
at <ComboboxRoot modelValue="" onUpdate:modelValue=fn class="w-[200px]" >
at <Combobox modelValue="" onUpdate:modelValue=fn options=
Array(3) [ "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3" ]
... >
at <App key=3 >
at <NuxtRoot>
[Vue warn]: Component inside <Transition> renders non-element root node that cannot be animated.
at <Teleport disabled=false forceMount=true to=undefined >
at <ComboboxPortal forceMount="" >
at <BaseTransition appear=false persisted=false mode=undefined ... >
at <Transition name="fade" >
at <Primitive ref=fn<s> style=
Object { pointerEvents: undefined }
as=undefined ... >
at <PopperRoot class="w-[200px]" >
at <ComboboxRoot modelValue="" onUpdate:modelValue=fn class="w-[200px]" >
at <Combobox modelValue="" onUpdate:modelValue=fn options=
Array(3) [ "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3" ]
... >
at <App key=3 >
at <NuxtRoot>
Here is the layout of my component :

<Transition name="fade">
<ComboboxPortal forceMount>
<ComboboxContent position="popper">
<ComboboxInput />

<ComboboxEmpty />

<Transition name="fade">
<ComboboxPortal forceMount>
<ComboboxContent position="popper">
<ComboboxInput />

<ComboboxEmpty />
4 Replies
David4mo ago
You have the layout but here it is in more details :
<ComboboxPortal forceMount>
<ComboboxContent position="popper" class="w-[--radix-combobox-trigger-width]">
<ComboboxViewport class="flex flex-col">
<Icon name="radix-icons:magnifying-glass"/>
<ComboboxInput placeholder="Search..." />
v-for="(option, item) of options"
<span>{{ option }}</span>
<ComboboxItemIndicator class="flex items-center">
<Icon name="radix-icons:check" />
<ComboboxEmpty />
<ComboboxPortal forceMount>
<ComboboxContent position="popper" class="w-[--radix-combobox-trigger-width]">
<ComboboxViewport class="flex flex-col">
<Icon name="radix-icons:magnifying-glass"/>
<ComboboxInput placeholder="Search..." />
v-for="(option, item) of options"
<span>{{ option }}</span>
<ComboboxItemIndicator class="flex items-center">
<Icon name="radix-icons:check" />
<ComboboxEmpty />
David4mo ago
Oh this is a Component from radix-vue lib https://www.radix-vue.com/components/combobox.html#portal
Radix Vue
Unstyled, accessible components for building high‑quality design systems and web apps in Vue
David4mo ago
? Oh ok it works, but the documentation of radix-vue is blured But the transition will not work because there is no v-if But in the radix-vue documentation it says forceMount (on ComboboxPortal) Used to force mounting when more control is needed. Useful when controlling animation with Vue animation libraries. So what does it mean ? Ok I will do it Here it is : https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-chghww :usefetchwrong: :vue: So there is no solutions @L422Y ? 👍
David4mo ago
[Bug]: Vue Transition with Combobox · Issue #821 · radix-vue/radix-...
Environment Developement/Production OS: Windows 11 Node version: 20.10.0 Package manager: pnpm@8.15.4 Radix Vue version: 1.6.1 Vue version: 3.4.21 Nuxt version: 3.11.1 Nuxt mode: universal Nuxt tar...