Not receiving plainText, only richText from continueChat

Hi! How can I get plaintext from response in typebot official host? I'm only receiving richtext :/ Should I configure something or can I create some type of middleware?
3 Replies
Baptiste3mo ago
Hey, Indeed that is currently not possible
Baptiste3mo ago
Option to tell the API to return markdown instead of rich text · Is...
Hello @baptisteArno! I'm facing an issue with prefilled variables sent from n8n via an HTTP request not being displayed correctly in my Typebot chat flow. I've set up an HTTP request node i...
Grego Ads
Grego Ads3mo ago
Good evening, how are you? Can anyone help me please? My flow is working perfectly, but when I use the standard MI BROWSER browser on the Android system, it freezes in the middle of the flow, can anyone help me? -