Weird rendering issue ring

I was using Distant Horizons (Fabric loader, 1.20.1) to load this absolutely massive mushroom island in singleplayer, and came across a strange issue where essentially the ring of terrain loading out from me is further ahead than the actual rendered chunks, if that makes sense? Here are the screenshots, it's hard to describe. It also struggled to keep chunks loaded. I thought it was me loading them on an elytra but even slowly loading them doesn't help. I tried removing certain mods to no effect. I remember actually having this same issue once before and fixing it by tweaking some setting, but I cannot for the life of me remember which setting it was. Here's the mods I was using: - Sodium - Starlight - Lithium - Krypton - Indium - FerriteCore - Dynamic FPS - Fabric API - Cloth Config API
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20 Replies
Neon LD Delirium
I tried removing Starlight as the first thing I tried, didn't work. I've also run into this issue using only Sodium. I think it might be how my settings are.
majo242mo ago
What DH version are you using?
Neon LD Delirium
2.0.1 however I have also encountered this on a pre-2.0 version too the ring thing, not the issues rendering chunks that's new
majo242mo ago
Try the nightly version here: Should be fixed in that version iirc
Neon LD Delirium
is there a 1.19 version of nightly? I'm gonna also be running a modpack that has distant horizons, and I wanna resolve this issue in case it comes up for anyone else
majo242mo ago
yes, 1.19.2 and 1.19.4
Neon LD Delirium
no as in just 1.19
majo242mo ago
no, theres no just 1.19 version
Neon LD Delirium
ah I swapped the modpack to 1.19.2 to use the nightly version
majo242mo ago
and does it work now?
Neon LD Delirium
I'm checking rn
majo242mo ago
Im not entirely sure, but if it isn't fixed, you may have to delete old LoDs
Neon LD Delirium
it is being weird trying to stay rendered the issue with the ring tho like being beyond the rendered chunks? that's fixed
majo242mo ago
Wdym with that?
Neon LD Delirium
like I'll render a chunk, go away from it, and it won't stay rendered, it's a bit patchy however I think it's cause I'm rendering a lot of chunks quickly via flying w elytra it's not as severe if I explore slowly oh nevermind--the issue with the circle is reappearing
majo242mo ago
It may be because your CPU is overwhelmed and doesn't have enough time to create low detail LODs
Neon LD Delirium
I had a feeling that was related to my settings yeah, likely
majo242mo ago
You could try deleting the config file of DH /config
YAGPDB.xyz2mo ago
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config. The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Neon LD Delirium
how do I access the file like directly oh wait there we go I'm gonna see if this improves while running the server itself that'll help take the load off my cpu while testing