Failed: an internal error occurred.

Trying to get my next app running on pages and everything seem to build ok till i get this error: 'Failed: an internal error occurred. If this continues, contact support:' It doesnt give any other message so ive no idea what could be the issue. Account ID: 50e11a2b8a33af74d04304e1d3097741 Deployment ID: c3a36429-9d58-419c-a3da-d2745a5175d1
15 Replies
nestorF2mo ago
Hi there, Thanks for contacting Cloudflare Support. Would it be possible for you to provide your Cloudflare Email account so that we open a ticket for you?
chri5212mo ago
Responded to your pm @nestorF
nestorF2mo ago
Thank you! I have sent you an Email from the ticket.
arbfay2mo ago
Same for me @nestorF . I've raised a ticket with support: #3213065 I can see many other posts with this issue. So I presume something is wrong with CF Pages today, but the status page still doesn't show anything (it's been ongoing for hours)
Walshy2mo ago
There's no known issue I've checked your ticket but I can't see any deployments on that project. Did you delete it?
arbfay2mo ago
No, that's the issue, it doesn't get deployed. I get the error 8000000.
No description
arbfay2mo ago
@Walshy | Deploying Found the issue! It turns out the _worker.js file was 27.5MB (but the limit is 25MB right?). Somehow, it got uploaded fine (probably because gzipped), but when it was time to deploy, because of the size, it failed somewhere deeper down the API. 27.5MB is ridiculously big, I didn't pay attention. I found the culprit: an icon library that was loading all the icons despite using only a few... I removed it and now it gets deployed just fine. However, the error message is just a generic 8000000, which I think is wrong. It should be something more revealing.
James2mo ago
gotta love barrel files
chri5212mo ago
Havent had any response to the ticket, how long is the typical wait time?
Walshy2mo ago
let me see what's the ticket ID you have?
chri5212mo ago
Walshy2mo ago
The issue is your Worker is too large (same as arbfay above)
chri5212mo ago
Thanks, any tips to help identifty what is making it to big?
Walshy2mo ago
Err if you can build it locally, in theory there's a _worker.js folder you can check @Better James would be the best to say though as this is a next project
James2mo ago
Yeah, you you can examine your worker's bundle in the output directory where there's the workerjs dir - .vercel/output/static/_worker.js. Common problems are having really chonky dependencies or ones that aren't treeshaken properly, such as icon libraries with barrel files.
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