Failed: an internal error occurred.

Hello everyone, I am trying to deploy nuxt, but the deployment failed when my files exceeded 1000, 18:56:21.496 ✨ Compiled Worker successfully 18:56:22.581 Found _routes.json in output directory. Uploading. 18:56:22.596 Validating asset output directory 18:56:24.152 Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network... 18:56:29.835 Failed: an internal error occurred. If this continues, contact support: 18:56:29.835 Error: Failed to publish assets. For support, join our Discord ( or create a ticket and reference the deployment ID: 5e77b929-1ec1-4a07-865e-63856d3f865e
3 Replies
Erisa3mo ago
Hey, does still happen? Do you have newer deployment IDs?
KeJun3mo ago
Thanks. 14:33:31.926 Error: Failed to publish assets. For support, join our Discord ( or create a ticket and reference the deployment ID: 87e6e1ed-aaa1-4b0b-bd50-14b3f9a6f148